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Bristol Women's Football Casual League Covid-19 Policy
The 2020-21 season will kick off again on Saturday 17 April 2021 with the hope to finish the season by Saturday 5 June 2021.
We are all super excited to get back on the pitch and play the beautiful game, but as an FA affiliated league it is imperative that the safety of our players and officials come first by following the most up to date FA grassroots guidelines.
We have been working alongside Bristol Brunel Academy (BBA) to ensure that their Covid-19 policy reflects the BWFCL needs during game day. We strongly advise all captains to read and understand this policy, as well as sharing it with team mates.
Ultimately we all need to understand our responsibilities during game day to ensure we are keeping ourselves, and others around us safe to avoid the transmission of Covid-19.
Key points to share with your team
Spectators are not currently permitted at organised sport activities. This does not apply to carers for people with disabilities, or adults needed to supervise under-18s in a safeguarding role. Where it is necessary for them to be present, supervising adults should not mix with others from outside their household or support bubble.
As normal all teams starting first on game day will need to set up one goal each 30 minutes before kick-off, and the final teams will be responsible for putting goals away. *PLEASE NOTE* only 4 people in total will be allowed to visit the store cupboard at one time, and will require masks. Please ensure you have nominated 2 people from your team before game day to avoid chaos!
We politely ask that only players and referees that are playing during their allocated time slot to be on the 4G pitches at one time. Anyone that isn't suppose to be there will be asked to move on to the grass pitch opposite.
Fixture times have been shortened slightly to 40 minute games with a 5 minute half time. These timings MUST be followed, especially during afternoon fixtures due to BBA closing at 5pm.
We ask that teams arrive just before kick off and leave immediately after the game to avoid mass gathering during game change over. If you wish to warm up before hand we suggest using the grass pitch opposite, and adhere to social distancing rules.
Balls will be cleaned down by refs in between games, and a sanitation station will be available on entry of the pitch, please ensure you use hand sanitizer where appropriate.
If anyone in your team is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms please ensure they do not turn up to the game to play, or alternatively if you have had an outbreak of Covid-19 within your team please alert someone in the Core Team ASAP.
If you have any concerns or need clarification on anything you have read on this page please contact Laura Fox.
Thank you for taking the time to read, and please do not forget to share with your team mates.
Lets stay safe, and get back to playing football!
Core Team :)!
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